I have worked in the resource extraction industry for most of my career: mining, energy and forestry. The biggest lesson I have learned is that we need to reduce what we consume and take care of what we have.

Buying new things made of any type of material, whether it be plastic, metal, wood, or glass, has an environmental cost.  Even in a developed country with the most stringent environmental regulations, vegetation is removed, wildlife and fisheries habitat is lost and water is sometimes polluted.  

When I started Simple North Coaching and Consulting, an important aspect of owning my own business was that it was aligned with my values.  Stewardship is one of my key values. This is the definition that I use:

Stewardship: Taking care of the land, water, and all living creatures so that they can take care of us.  

Part of stewardship is becoming aware of your own footprint and then reducing your footprint where you can.  Years ago, I came across an article on plastic pollution and it introduced me to Plastic Free July. Plastic Free July is a campaign that encourages us to take action and reduce our plastic footprint.

Plastic pollution affects our environment, wildlife, and ultimately our own health. As leaders in our communities and in our own lives, it is important that we lead by example and take steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle.  

The first step in reducing our plastic consumption is building awareness. Participating in Plastic Free July helps you do just that. I have participated in Plastic Free July for 4 years now and I can assure you that saving all the single use plastic that you consume in one month really does help you build awareness. We have done it both at home and while travelling. It has allowed us to observe our daily habits and become aware of the amount of disposable plastic items we use.  

Once you have a clearer picture of your plastic consumption, you can start making simple shifts towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

For our first year, we were still shifting away from plastic water bottles and grocery bags. Now, we almost exclusively use our reusable water bottles and cloth grocery bags.  We are still challenged by packaging on everyday items, especially groceries.  

Here are 3 ways to help reduce your plastic this July (and hopefully all year)!  

1. Reusable Alternatives:

One of the easiest ways to reduce your plastic footprint is to invest in reusable alternatives.


- Single-use plastic water bottles with a reusable stainless steel or glass bottle.

- Plastic bags with reusable shopping bags.

- A disposable coffee cup with a reusable coffee cup.

- Single-use disposable takeout containers with reusable containers. Many restaurants and cafes will allow you to bring your own.

- Prepackaged food with bulk food using reusable containers.

2. Choose products without plastic packaging:

Avoid products with plastic packaging. When shopping, choose items that are minimally packaged or packaged in recyclable materials.  

3. Reduce and reuse:

- Reduce what you buy. And when you do purchase products, make sure that they are good quality so that you don’t need to buy as much.
- Reuse what you can - whether your own products, your friends or from a second-hand shop.
- Recycle using your local recycling depot guidelines to make sure that the plastic can actually be recycled.

If you need motivation, the Story of Stuff is a great place to start.  

In Whitehorse, we have some great local businesses that will help you reduce your footprint.  If you haven’t already, check out:

- Fireweed Community Market
- Cultured Fine Cheese
- Yukon Refillery
- Riverside Grocery
- Yukon Soaps Company
- Aroma Borealis
- Whitehorse Community Thrift Store

By reducing your plastic footprint, you are not only protecting the environment but also setting an example for others to follow. As leaders, it is important to be mindful of the impact our actions have on the world around us. By taking simple steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle, we can create a ripple effect that inspires positive change in our communities and beyond.

“Be the Change You Wish to See in the World”

~ Ghandi

This July, I challenge you to be Plastic-Free!  

Take a closer look at your plastic consumption and make a commitment to reduce your plastic footprint. Start small with simple shifts in your daily habits and gradually incorporate more sustainable practices into your lifestyle. Together, we can make a difference and leave our planet healthier for future generations.  
